Beautifully decorated assortment of insects on these clickers. Colorful metal cricket noise maker. Makes a great party favor, also good for using in positive reinforcement dog training. Size 1W. x 1-3/4;”L. U.S. Toy Exclusive!. Product Features Decorated with colorful images of ladybugs, beetles, flies One dozen bug clickers per order Made of metal and plastic
Categories: Purim
Added on: October 7, 2019 - More: Comments & Reviews
Beautifully decorated assortment of insects on these clickers. Colorful metal cricket noise maker. Makes a great party favor, also good for using in positive reinforcement dog training. Size 1W. x 1-3/4;”L. U.S. Toy Exclusive!.
Made of Metal, Not Plastic- Great Find! Because of the colorful designs, I assumed that these clickers were made of plastic and would not hold up under much use, but since there are 12 in the package, I ordered them anyway. The body of the clicker and the tongue are metal.Some of them are louder than others, and I like the loudest ones best.They are great for dog training and also for getting the attention of any group (not just children) without raising one’s voice. One thing I like about these clickers is…
Poor advertising, very good clickers. Loved them. Got 12 of them. All working. Some may say these are loud enough, loud, or too loud, but they are definetely not quiet. Loved them.
Drive your boss crazy These are so much fun. The metal body features various insects. The click is audible but not earth shattering. We have a bad boss. I gave each of my colleagues one of these. We have a code: One click means all is right with the world. Multiple clicks means bad boss is incoming. Even better is bad boss canât quite localize the sound.