Occupational Therapy Aids

The MicroFET3is a dual-function device has an MMT and inclinometer component. It is used to measure muscle strength and range of motion. LCD displays for both force and angle measurements. For use as stand-alone or with Clinical Software Package (sold separately) or FET Data Collection Software Package (sold separately). Product Features Use as a...

$1,141.96Amazon.com Price
(as of April 20, 2020 5:10 am GMT+0000 - Details)

The Clinton Oval Powder Board Table is a high-quality, versatile work table useful in physical therapy and rehab clinics to improve the range of motion of a patient’s arms and legs. A cutout allows patients to sit more closely to the table. Two knobs on the Clinton Powder Board Table’s uprights allow the height...

$580.98Amazon.com Price
(as of November 25, 2017 6:23 am GMT+0000 - Details)

For over 50 years, Sammons Preston has been the premier brand in aids to daily living and home care devices. Sammons Preston products are adaptive living aids that help people cope with their environment. Whether you are a Therapist or patient, someone with special needs, or just have a need to make life easier...

$575.00Amazon.com Price
(as of March 2, 2018 12:25 am GMT+0000 - Details)

Hausmann’s Personal Activity Table can be used in a variety of curricular, professional, medical, and therapy settings. These tables are used in all kinds of medical and professional occupations including schools, nurseries, physical therapy and occupational therapy, rehabilitation, chiropractic, hospitals and doctor’s offices. The adjustable height feature make this table wheelchair friendly. Product Features...

$495.60Amazon.com Price
(as of November 20, 2017 8:24 pm GMT+0000 - Details)

Tumble forms has been a leader in the pediatric rehabilitation equipment industry for over 40 years. Creative designs are integrated with careful consideration of positioning needs for individuals with special needs. Tumble forms combines innovative design with technology intensive fabrication to provide a high degree of durability and attractiveness. The unique seamless tumble forms...

$492.46Amazon.com Price
(as of January 17, 2020 2:22 am GMT+0000 - Details)

Skill builders modular seating system allows for basic Feeder Seat to transform into floor sitter and mobile floor sitter. Each seat has built-in abductor, contoured interior for correct seating posture and a safety harness. Seats are made of molded foam that is firm yet soft to the touch, with integral waterproof coating that is...

$327.45Amazon.com Price
(as of July 29, 2019 12:21 pm GMT+0000 - Details)

For over 50 years, Sammons Preston has been the premier brand in aids to daily living and home care devices. Sammons Preston products are adaptive living aids that help people cope with their environment. Whether you are a Therapist or patient, someone with special needs, or just have a need to make life easier...

$325.00Amazon.com Price
(as of October 12, 2019 6:21 am GMT+0000 - Details)

ParaBath Paraffin Bath provides soothing moist heat to warm joints, tissue and skin. The ParaBath system is ideal for the treatment of patients suffering from pain associated with arthritis, strains, sprains, joint stiffness, and it is also used to increase range of motion. The deep oversized tank allows easy immersion of hand and wrist,...

$261.11Amazon.com Price
(as of October 29, 2019 10:22 pm GMT+0000 - Details)

DR-HO’S ® Pain Therapy System is the latest innovation to help relieve muscle tension and pain in just 20 minutes. It is a professional TENS device used by Chiropractors and Physiotherapists. It was developed by Dr. Michael Ho, a Chiropractor and Acupuncturist, at his Pain and Headache Clinic in Toronto, Canada, for his patients....

$249.99Amazon.com Price
(as of June 15, 2018 3:21 pm GMT+0000 - Details)

S3A* Size: Small Features: -Tilting & Folding Therapy Bench. -Ideal for home, therapy or school programs for a variety of activties. -Easily fold for storage and transportation. -Provide a stable surface so that children can achieve maximum arm and hand movements. Product Type: -Rehab Equipment. Generic Dimensions: -Seat Size: 10.5” W x 26” D....

$215.87Amazon.com Price
(as of February 3, 2019 5:22 pm GMT+0000 - Details)

S4A* Size: Large Features: -Tilting & Folding Therapy Bench. -Ideal for home, therapy or school programs for a variety of activties. -Easily fold for storage and transportation. -Provide a stable surface so that children can achieve maximum arm and hand movements. Product Type: -Rehab Equipment. Generic Dimensions: -Seat Size: 10.5” W x 26” D....

$215.00Amazon.com Price
(as of December 13, 2018 12:22 am GMT+0000 - Details)

This foam filled pad is available in two sizes. It is covered with a durable nylon cover that wipes clean. It is sturdy enough for jumping on and soft enough for sitting and relaxing. Safe, long lasting foam filled bag Shipped with the foam compressed for reduced shipping cost Includes 5′ x 5′ and...

$209.43Amazon.com Price
(as of January 12, 2020 4:22 pm GMT+0000 - Details)